
"Phytoengineering. Parallel World" 25.05.2013 "Cinema for All" Company has finished working on creation of popular science film about "Phytoengineering" R&D Centre

Director general of Foundation of assistance to development of small forms of the entities in scientific and technical sphere S.G.Polyakov visited "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre 17.05.2013 Director general of Foundation of assistance to development of small forms of the entities in scientific and technical sphere S.G.Polyakov visited "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre

Colleagues from "Farm Frites" Company (Netherlands) examined work of "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre 18.04.2013 Colleagues from "Farm Frites" Company (Netherlands) examined work of "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre

The head of Dmitrov district Moscow Region V.V.Gavrilov visited "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre 26.03.2013 The head of Dmitrov district Moscow Region V.V.Gavrilov visited "PhytoEngineering" R&D Centre

Experts of FERA (Great Britain) inspected laboratory of phytopathogens diagnostics 21.03.2013 Experts of FERA (Great Britain) inspected laboratory of phytopathogens diagnostics